Article No. | 16051 |
Model: Reissue of a Märklin steam machine from the 1930"s. Horizontal machinery, high pressure and low pressure cylinder mounted in joint cylinder jacket. 2 massive flywheels with doubled string-run choke cam. Drop shaft, centrifugal regulator. Sheet iron foundation. Sheet brass boiler. Fire box with gallery rods on both sides.
Appliances: Steam dome with safety weight valve. Steam whistle, steam shut-off cock, three-way cock, water level indicator with discharge cock, manometer.
Size: Height with smokestack app. 34 cm / 13-3/8". Foundation app. 37 cm x 37 cm / 14-9/16" x 14-9/16".
Fittings Steam whistle, steam stop valve, water level indicator with release valve, and manometer included. Machinery 2 massive flywheels, offset shaft, and centrifugal governor included. Machinery Horizontal high and low pressure cylinders mounted in a common cylinder block.
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