Gauge ---------- - Article No. 60883

L 88 (Link s 88)

L 88 (Link s 88)
Article No. 60883
Gauge ----------
Era ----------
Kind Decoder
129,00 € RRP, incl. Tax
Article in stock.


  • Set screw terminals for all connections.

Product description

This unit allows connections for the s88 (60881) and s88 DC (60882) and the older s88 feedback modules (6088 und 60880) to the Central Station II an Central Station 3, and to the 60145 Terminal. The unit has an older design socket for the 6088 and 60880 feedback modules, as well as two RJ45 sockets for the new 60881 and 60882 feedback modules. In addition, there are 16 inputs for contact generators (ground detectors such as 60881). These 16 inputs can be configured specially for track diagram control boards so that a matrix with up to 64 buttons can be set up. A 66360/66201 switched mode power pack is required for operation.


- New items brochure 2013 - Product programme 2013/2014 - Product programme 2014/2015 - Product programme 2015/2016 - Product programme 2016/2017 - Product programme 2017/2018 - Product programme 2018/2019 - Product programme 2019/2020 - Product programme 2020/2021 - Product programme 2021/2022 - Product programme 2022/2023 - Product programme 2023/2024 - Product programme 2024/2025


b Digital locomotives or digital device for the Märklin Digital System (Motorola format).


ATTENTION: adults only